What is a Pneumatic Tube System
Pneumatic Tube System is technical equipment in which cylindrical containers (carriers) are propelled through a complex network of tubes by compressed air or by vacuum. They are used for transporting physical objects.
The Pneumatic Tube System is frequently labeled as old-fashioned, "because there is e-mail now". That's right, for the transportation of mail the pneumatic tube is often redundant, therefore is the internet and e-mail the media today.
But we can't use internet or e-mail for sending materials, packages, etc.! Pneumatic tube remains an outcome, which remains up-to-date. Indeed, perhaps pneumatic tube is still very important for our future.
Yes, the Pneumatic Tube System is still being used! But where and for what?
For example in hospitals, for transporting materials like test tubes or tissue jars. But also for sending medicines and blood products.
And even in shops or stores, for sending cash money to a secure place.
In banks and financial institutions, for the purchase and removal of cash and valuable papers.
In the industry, for transporting (half)products within the plant. But also for sending weigh letters to the driver of a lorry, which is waiting on the weighbridge.
When it comes to transporting small goods, Pneumatic Tube Systems remains a strong solution!
Pneumatic Tube, how it works?!
Some foreign names for Pneumatic Tube Systems are
- Czechish - Potrubní pošta / systémy potrubní pošty / pneumatický dopravní systém
- Dutch - Buispost / buizenpost
- Finnish - Putkiposti
- French - Transport pneumatique / tube pneumatique
- German - Rohrpost / Röhrenpost
- Greek - Σωληνωτό Ταχυδρομείο
- Indonesian - Tabung pneumatik
- Italian - Posta pneumatica / trasporto pneumatico / tubi pneumatici
- Japanese - 気送管
- Norwegian - Rørpost
- Polish - Poczta pneumatyczna
- Portoguese - Sistema de tubos pneumáticos / sistemas de transporte pneumático
- Russian - Пневматическая почта
- Slovak - Potrubná pošta
- Spanish - Transporte neumático
- Swedish - Rörpost
- Turkish - Pnömatik tüp
Pneumatic Tube, Rohrpost, Buizenpost
What is a Pneumatic Tube System
Published: 01-01-2011
Last updated: 23-05-2021
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