Why a website about Pneumatic Tube Systems?

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When I tell others about my website, the first reaction is usually:

Pneumatic Tube System, what's that?

Often followed by:

Why precisely do you make a website on Pneumatic Tube Systems...?

The answer is very simple, think about any subject and you will find it somewhere on the internet! Since the internet is really known for that: all information is present...

Someone must be there to put it on the internet!

This means that for each subject someone must be there to put it on the internet! So not only information about popular topics, but also for many minor subjects in my case: Pneumatic Tube Systems.

With Pneumatic.Tube I am trying to build a website which shows the full picture of the Pneumatic Tube System.

Pneumatic.TubePneumatic Tube, Rohrpost, Buizenpost

Why a website about Pneumatic Tube Systems?

  Last updated: 31-01-2019

Why a website about Pneumatic Tube Systems?

  Pneumatic Tube Calendar

20 December 1897 (127 years ago)
Initial Commissioning Pneumatic Tube Mail Boston USA

31 December 1950 (73 years ago)
Pneumatic Tube Mail Boston USA out of business

31 December 1953 (70 years ago)
Pneumatic Tube Mail system New York USA out of business

12 December 2018 (6 years ago)
BUISPOST.EU becomes Pneumatic.Tube!

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