The sound of a pneumatic tube system

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Sound recording of a pneumatic tube diverter changing position

An electric motor turns the pipe in the diverter to another output. This way a carrier can exchange tubes.


The sound of a carrier exchanging tubes through a diverter

At first you hear the diverter turn to the correct tube, the blower starts sucking the carrier towards the diverter.
The carrier passes the diverter and the blower stops for a moment.
The diverter turns to another tube and the blower blows the carrier into that pipe of the transfer zone.
In the end the pipe in the diverter turns back to its original position.


The sound of a carrier arriving at a station, and another one leaving

An Aerocom COM-station attached to an AC-3000 multi-line system.


Sound recording in the engine room

Just a recording of the sound in the pneumatic tube engine room. You hear blowers blowing and sucking, relays clicking, diverters turning and carriers passing by. Recorded at the UMCG University Hospital Groningen in the Netherlands

Pneumatic.TubePneumatic Tube, Rohrpost, Buizenpost

The sound of a pneumatic tube system

  Last updated: 11-08-2019

The sound of a pneumatic tube system

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