The pneumatic tube's strange 150-year journey

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Tubes have carried cats, mail, and people for a really long time. Vox's Phil Edwards leads the tour...

More than a century and a half before Elon Musk thought up the Hyperloop, his mash-up of pneumatic and maglev ideas (and a bunch of other moving parts), people were using pneumatic tubes to move people. Though we're familiar with pneumatic tubes from banks, they've been around much longer and used for a lot more.

Documentary is production of Vox Media.
The photo at the page is a screenshot of the video at YouTube.

Pneumatic.TubePneumatic Tube, Rohrpost, Buizenpost

The pneumatic tube's strange 150-year journey

  Last updated: 01-08-2018

The pneumatic tube's strange 150-year journey

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1 March 1893 (132 years ago)
Commissioning Pneumatic Tube Mail Philadelphia USA

4 March 1899 (126 years ago)
Commissioning Pneumatic Tube Mail Prague, Czech

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