Historical events and legal rights...
At BUISPOST.EU I want to educate and entertain people with information about the past, the present and the possible future of the Pneumatic Tube System so that this transport technology is not forgotten.
But it is a struggle! Why? Well, all the great stuff I show you at my site has mostly happened before I was even born. So photos I show here are not mine... Most of them I bought on eBay or were send to me by visitors. I can't know who has the legal rights to these photos, risking serious claims. I can not take that risk financially...
That is why I decided to rebuild the website from scratch. The website technology is being taken care of and the content is being reviewed. What can I publish freely and what can not... It will take a while and you might get some empty pages... Sorry for that, working on it!
The photo with this article of four Telecom 110mm carriers I made myself a few years ago! So no worries here...
Pneumatic Tube, Rohrpost, Buizenpost
Historical events and legal rights...
Published: 08-07-2018
Last updated: 31-01-2019
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Pneumatic Tube Calendar
1 March 1893 (132 years ago)
Commissioning Pneumatic Tube Mail Philadelphia USA
4 March 1899 (126 years ago)
Commissioning Pneumatic Tube Mail Prague, Czech