Pneumatic Tube Mail Prague Czech

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The commissioning of the Pneumatic Tube Mail system in Prague (Czech) was at 4 March 1899.

At 13 August 2002 the Prague pneumatic mail system was destroyed by a flood. Sadly the damage was to large to put it back to commissioning.

The Czech O2 Telecom company was the owner for many years, but at the end wanted to demolish the system after all.
In 2012 Zdeněk Dražil, a Czech IT-entrepreneur bought the Prague "potrubní pošta" to save this industrial heritage.


Postcards and stamps

Sources and more information

Pneumatic.TubePneumatic Tube, Rohrpost, Buizenpost

Pneumatic Tube Mail Prague Czech

  Last updated: 05-01-2019

Pneumatic Tube Mail Prague Czech

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4 March 1899 (126 years ago)
Commissioning Pneumatic Tube Mail Prague, Czech

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