Airmatic Systems brochure

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Today, AIRMATIC tube systems are dispatching all sorts of important items - written communications, data cards, test samples, small parts, medicines, bulky securities - to and from all parts of office buildings, industrial plants, hospitals, banks, libraries, even steel mills.

A brochure from the Airmatic Systems company (a division of the Mosler Safe Company).
441 Market Street, Sadle Brook N.J. 07662 USA

Pneumatic.TubePneumatic Tube, Rohrpost, Buizenpost

Airmatic Systems brochure

  Last updated: 12-02-2019

Airmatic Systems brochure

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1 March 1893 (132 years ago)
Commissioning Pneumatic Tube Mail Philadelphia USA

4 March 1899 (126 years ago)
Commissioning Pneumatic Tube Mail Prague, Czech

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